
Call for Sponsorships

2024 IConSCEPT offers you a unique and focused way to showcase your service, technology and solutions, explore opportunities to outreach your potential customers and touch base with them. Our sponsorship packages are provided with a set of special privileges and a clear focus on your promotion during the conference. We are excited to invite you to participate as an exhibitor or sponsor at our upcoming 2024 ICONSCEPT in NIT Puducherry.

Sponsorship Options

Sponsorship grade Amount of Contribution
Title Sponsors INR 3,00,000
Platinum sponsors INR 1,00,000
Gold Sponsors INR 75,000
Silver Sponsors INR 50,000

sponsorship Benefits (General)

Title sponsors

• Complimentary registrations (4).
• Logos appears on
----- Certificates issued to participants, track chair, etc.
----- All Author PPTs.
----- Advertisement on Website.
----- Banner.
----- Kit.
• Stall for product display.
• Web Link on Conference Website.
• Acknowledgement in Session Closure.

Platinum sponsors

• Complimentary registrations (3).
• Logos appears on
----- Certificates issued to participants, track chair, etc.
----- All Author PPTs.
----- Advertisement on Website.
----- Banner.
• Stall for product display.
• Web Link on Conference Website.
• Acknowledgement in Session Closure.

Gold sponsors

• Complimentary registrations (2).
• Logos appears on
----- Certificates issued to participants, track chair, etc.
----- All Author PPTs.
----- Advertisement on Website.
----- Banner.
• Stall for product display.
• Web Link on Conference Website.
• Acknowledgement in Session Closure.

Silver sponsors

• Complimentary registrations (1).
• Logos appears on
----- Advertisement on Website.
----- Banner.
• Stall for product display.
• Web Link on Conference Website.
• Acknowledgement in Session Closure.

To secure participation, please fill the form G-Form link