Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to ICONSCEPT-2024.
2. Submissions should strictly follow the recommended IEEE Conference Template.
3. All references must follow the IEEE format of citation.
4. Please prefer to limit your paper within 6 pages in PDF format.
5. Authors wishing to submit an over-length manuscript may do so. There will be an over-length page fee of USD 25 per page and limited to an additional 2 pages (maximum page submission is eight (8) pages).
6. All fonts must be embedded in the file.
7. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
8. The document should not have any password protection.
9. Do not put your own page numbers in the manuscript.
10. Do not put your header and footer in the manuscript.
11. The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Chair of the recommendations of Technical Program Committee and weightage/ comments given by PC Members/ Reviewers.

* Note that short manuscripts / abstracts are not considered.

All submitted abstracts and papers will be subjected to a 'Similarity check' by a licensed version of “iTHENTICATE: Plagiarism Detection Software”. Papers achieving a minimal similarity index, i.e. less than 20%, will only be examined, and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review.

Manuscript must be prepared using standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX or Microsoft Word available at here

Manuscript Submission

Authors are invited to submit the full-length research paper of 4 to maximum 6 pages (IEEE double-column format) written in English in Portable Document Format (PDF) electronically via Microsoft CMT.
To submit the paper, Click here

Important Dates

Paper Submission closes
May 3, 2024 May 10, 2024
Notification of Acceptance
May 20, 2024 May 30, 2024
Registration Starts
May 31, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
June 7, 2024 June 10, 2024
Standard Registration Deadline
June 17, 2024
Final Manuscript Submission
To be updated soon!

Tracks of 2024 IConSCEPT

- Communication Systems for 5G and Beyond
- Wireless Communications
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Underwater Sensor Networks
- Physical Layer Modeling
- MAC Layer Protocols
- Channel Estimation
- Computer Communications
- Satellite and Optical Communications
- Internet of Things
- Internet of Vehicles

- RF & Microwave Communications
- Hardware for AI and ML
- Embedded System Design
- Real Time Embedded Systems
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Embedded Systems for IoT & AI
- Networks-on-chip
- Analog & Mixed Signal circuits
- Photonic Integrated Circuits
- Advances in CAD for VLSI
- RF Circuits and Wireless systems
- Sensors interfacing circuits and systems
- Power and Energy Management
- Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems
- Test and Reliability

- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Audio and Video Signal Processing
- Speech Processing

- Power Electronic Converters and Systems
- Power electronic devices (Si and wide band-gap) and applications
- Power Electronic Applications in Power System
- Electric Machines and Drives
- Application of power electronic in High Voltage Engineering
- Power Quality issues
- High power/voltage power conversion
- Energy conversion for information technology and communication systems
- Electric vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles and traction systems
- Energy Storage and Management Systems
- EV Charging Infrastructure and Management
- Renewable energy systems
- Smart Grid
- Smart Buildings
- Energy generation, utilization, conversion

- Power system planning, reliability, stability, monitoring and management
- Power system modelling, dynamics, and control
- Power system protection, digital substation, and automation
- AI and ML applications in power system control
- High Voltage and insulation engineering
- System identification, parameter estimation, state estimation
- High power/voltage power conversion
- Design of Controllers
- ICT applications in energy internet
- Industrial Instrumentation
- Industrial Control Systems
- Industrial Robotics
- Industry 4.0

- Data preparation and Feature Engineering
- Foundations, algorithms, models and theory of AI/ML and deep learning
- Privacy and security for AI/ML/DL applications
- AI/ML/DL programming models and abstractions
- Systems for AI and Machine Learning
- Validation and verification models for learning systems
- Scalability Issues and Solutions for AI/ML and deep learning
- Deep Learning (architectures, generative models, deep reinforcement learning)
- Optimization Algorithm for AI/ML and Deep Learning
- Data Learning Models for Various types of Data

- Big Data Analytics, Algorithms, Search, and Information Retrieval Techniques
- Bio-molecular & Phylogenetic DBs
- Big-Data Visualization
- DNA, RNA and protein sequence analysis
- Gene Expression Analysis
- Algorithms for Internet of Things
- Architectures for Internet of Things
- Edge Computing
- Blockchain in the Internet of things (IoT)
- Blockchain in edge and cloud computing
- Blockchain in next generation communications and networks
- Cyber-Physical Systems for healthcare
- Personalization and patient experience
- AR and VR applications for healthcare

Registration Details

1. Registration process has been closed on June 17, 2024.
2. One author of each accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present the paper in order for it to be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
3. Authors with multiple accepted papers are required to pay, register and fill this form separately for each paper (no discount for multiple regsitrations).
4. The registration amount mentioned in the website includes GST.
5. Before filling the G-FORM form you must have the following:
a) Registration fees payment receipt.
b) Proof of Student/Faculty/Industry Professional (ID Card or Bonafide Certificate from Head of the Department/Institute/Organization whichever is applicable).
c) IEEE Membership Card (with validity till December 2024) - if applicable.
Note: All supporting files for registration must be uploaded in .pdf format.
6. The G-form can be accessed by clicking here.
7. Should any errors occur during payment of the registration fees or completion of the G-form, please notify us via email.
8. Accommodation will be available within the hostel premises for all registered and accompanying authors, subject to payment. A separate email will be dispatched regarding this matter.
9. International participants are kindly requested to remit the registration fees using the provided swift code. Detailed account information is available below.
10. Further correspondence, including submission instructions for camera-ready manuscripts, copyright forms, and IEEE PDF eXpress details, will be sent to your email shortly.
11. Extra payments made during registration will not be refunded so make the payments carefully.

Standard Registration Fees
Category IEEE Non-IEEE
Indian (INR) Foreign ($) USD Indian (INR) Foreign ($) USD
Student Author 8260 100 8850 110
Academia Author 9440 115 10030 125
Industry Author 10620 130 11800 145
Non-Author Category 1180 30 2360 40

*Registration Includes 18% GST

2024 IConSCEPT Account Details

Name of the Account IEEE SB NITPY
Account No. 7137453648
Bank Indian Bank
Branch Varichikudi (2611)
IFS Code IDIB000V124
A/C. Type Savings